The purpose of B.A.A.R.K. Foundation is to financially assist a DockDogs® member through an emergency or difficult situation, either human or canine. Grants are usually around $500.
The B.A.A.R.K. Foundation accepts grant application from individuals who are either a current member of an affiliated DockDogs club or are a current DockDogs Worldwide member. B.A.A.R.K. accepts applications on-line; you need only complete the form below. You can also apply by mail. Should we have questions about your application, we will contact you.
The B.A.A.R.K.Board of Directors will review your application to determine whether your request meets our guidelines and there is funding available. Applications must be received by the 15th of the month in order to be reviewed during that month’s Board meeting, otherwise the application will be held until the next monthly meeting.
We will reply by email with either a declination or a funding decision, and make every effort to notify you promptly. We would like to help everyone, but that is not possible.
You can complete an Assistance Request Form here.