The B.A.A.R.K. Foundation will be attending the 2012 World Championships in Dubuque, Iowa on November 15-18, 2012.
There will be a “Ducks for Bucks” program where you can purchase a rubber duckie for a $5.00 donation. These duckies can be placed in our duck stream or you can take your purchase with you. You can also let them swim in the stream and collect them before Worlds comes to a close.
There is a large variety to choose from and you can place a tag around the ducks neck. It can be a Remembrance Tag of lost love ones or pets that have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. It could be a Support Tag of anyone needing support at this time in their lives. What about a Good Luck Tag to support our competitors that are participating at Worlds. It can be whatever you want it to be so be creative and get ready to find a duckie that fits your special needs.
All proceeds will be going to the B.A.A.R.K. Foundations general fund. With your help and support we will be able to help our DockDogs family members when a tragedy or hard times come. Let’s all hope that we do not need to personally use The B.A.A.R.K. Foundation for assistance, but I hope you will find comfort knowing we are there in case you need us.
Please plan on setting a duckie free from the holding pen to swim in the stream with all his friends and help support a great cause.
Good luck to all the Worlds competitors, both human and canine!
Rubber Duckie you’re the one
You make DockDogs lots of fun
Rubber Duckie I’m awfully fond of you
Rubber Duckie joy of joys
When I squeeze you, you make noise
Rubber Duckie you’re my very best friend it’s true
I find a little fellow who’s cute and yellow and chubby
Rub a dub dubby
Rubber Duckie you’re so fine and I’m lucky that you’re mine
Rubber Duckie I’d like a whole pond of you
Rubber Duckie I’m awfully fond of you